Join us for a reading and outdoor adventure! Gear up by registering in Beanstack for our all-ages reading club and receive a flashlight for your adventure.
Set out on June 29, when you can begin logging every day you read. After you’ve read for 7 days, a reward will appear in your Beanstack tracker. Stop by the library to pick out a silicone bracelet or keychain and your first charm. You’ll be eligible to get another charm for every 7 days you read. Read all summer to earn 8 charms – receive a bonus charm by borrowing a museum pass or attending our Glow Dance Party on August 23 at 7pm!

Everyone who logs 56 days of reading will receive a completion prize. Hauppauge Library cardholders are also eligible to enter into our raffle drawings for a chance to win one of our grand prizes. One virtual raffle ticket will be awarded to each reader for every day that they read.
Looking for a recommendation for your next great read? Visit us and we’d be happy to help, or visit Book Browse to find a recommendation online.