Tax Forms Online:
Federal Forms and Instructions
New York State and City Forms and Instructions
Order Tax Forms by Mail:
Federal Forms: Please call 1-800-829-3676 or order online.
New York State Forms: Please call (518) 457-5431 or for TTY call (518) 485-5082
Government Contact Information:
Federal Telephone Assistance or call 800-829-1040 (for individuals)
New York State Telephone Contact List or call 518-457-5181
Free Filing:
New York State
Assistance at the Library: AARP Tax Aide Volunteers
Tax aides from the AARP will be providing free income tax assistance for senior citizens and patrons with low income. Registration is required. Please stop by or call the library at 631-979-1600 to make an appointment. Appointments are available on Mondays and Saturdays from February 4th through April 17th. If you are filing jointly, both people must be present at the appointment.
Bring the following to your appointment:
- A photo ID
- Social security card or 1099-SSA tax document (for each person on the tax return)
- A copy of your 2015 taxes to your appointment
- Completed intake form. Also available to pick up at the Reference Desk